Know Your fetish

WHY HYPNOSIS IS BULLSHIT! (Even though it isn’t)

Click for self-awareness
Look at all the cliches, layer upon layer of cliche

Why Hypnosis Is Bullshit (even though it isn’t)

Okay, let’s just get this out there, hypnosis is bullshit.
(I would hope you’re already seeing where I’m going with this and not getting worked up and angry, like ‘how dare he…’)
Why is it bullshit? Here’s why!
So let me get this straight, someone is going to talk at me about fluffy clouds or stairs, and count in a soft voice, and I’m going to sort of what? Zone out, and then my mind is going to become an open book where you can say things to my hidden parts and I’ll think, and feel, and do things?
But I’ll only do those things if what you’re saying to me is something I already want, like I’ve already come up with my own ideas and you’re just saying them back to me, and that’s supposed to a big deal?
Oooooh, what a special skill you have to say something I already want, and have me think something I’m already thinking…


Hypnosis sure is bullshit.

Know Your fetish


...stare deeper and deeper, fall into classic titnosis and obey
Stare deeper into the cleavage you don’t want to look away…

It’s time to explore the world of hypnotic breasts, captivating cleavage, and titnosis.

Know Your fetish

Hypnosis: Magic Versus Magical Things

Magical Things

It’s a funny fetish, hypnosis.
For a lot of people, for a lot of people in the scene even, there’s an arcane wonderment to it. An illusory and abnormal quality that lends it to the mystical or the supernatural.
But what is it really, other than fantasy?

That’s a funny thing too. When we hear the word it usually means something that isn’t real, a fiction, or perhaps a delusion.
It can also be an aspirational word, but even then it is tied into a sense of the impossible, and in that there is the world of the arcane, the power to bend reality, to change the rules of the actual and make it the fantastical.

Know Your fetish

Why Do you Like Erotic Hypnosis



Where does hypnosis fall for you in your fetishes and fantasies?

A long time ago, well not all that long ago I suppose but Internet Years are about the same as Dog Years, the term Erotic Hypnosis was used to describe a very particular thing:

It was hypnosis with an erotic context.

If you were a hypno-fetishist it meant one thing, you liked Erotic Hypnosis.
All however many of us sort of floated around the same few sites, I should clarify that I am talking about Femdom Erotic Hypnosis mind you, liked basically the same sorts of things, and that was about it.

Well, nothing is ever “that simple” but for the purposes of explaining the way the scene, the term, the market, and not least of all how all of us have changed, we’ll pretend that in this case it is.

Know Your fetish

Mythology of Mind Control: Mass Media Origin Stories


Last time, we took a look at the nature of myth and metaphor in broad strokes. We used that base to explore the history and context of the Siren and some of the ways the mythological creature became an archetype and why it has persevered

You don’t have to read any of that to read this, I promise.

I was talking with a friend the other day, and we were talking about where this fetish comes from and what her origin story was.
It was different than mine, different than a lot of ours, but it was similar to some stories I had heard from other dominant women.
In the conversation we talked about fetishes in general and how we get them.

Know Your fetish

The Mythology of Mind Control: On Myth, Metaphor, and Seduction of the Sea


Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially when my hyppos [hypochondria] get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off – then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.
This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.

Herman Melville: Moby Dick

The ocean is singularly greater than all of us.
We can challenge it, we can cross it, we can ride its waves and plunge into its depths, we can even poison it and pollute it, but it is greater than us.
We are drawn to it, to stand in its surf and stare out into the unknown, to listen to its waves, and we know its enormity so fully and inherently that we turn to it as a metaphor for anything with a depth that we feel is greater to fathom.