Know Your fetish

Semi-Retired Part 2: The Mysterious Mystery of Nikki Fatale

WARNING: This post may disillusion you about the realities of Femdom Hypnosis, reader discretion is advised 

Semi-Retired is a multi-part series that focuses on Hypnodommes that are no longer as active as they once were. This series does not explore the reasons for their absence (okay, this one does-ish), but does explore the marks they left on me, and maybe you too.

Semi-Retired Part 2: The Mysterious Mystery of Nikki Fatale

Retired, for the sake of these articles, can also be the polite was of saying the woman in question has quit or otherwise left the scene, maybe without fanfare, and maybe without any kind of announcement. All that said, this is a tricky one to talk about without talking about the “why”, or at least heavily implying what that “why” is. So, I’ll be as businesslike as possible and know that I am not alleging anything.

Know Your fetish

Not Retired At All: My Second Hypno-Crush

Correction: Lady Lita is still extremely active and making new and exciting content. You can find her recordings HERE, and you can also find information about various forms of live sessions as well.

Additionally, I’d hate to think that this post in its original form did anything other than celebrate someone whose work I deeply enjoy!

Semi-Retired is a multi-part series that focuses on Hypnodommes that are no longer as active as they once were. This series does not explore the reasons for their absence, but does explore the marks they left on me, and maybe you too.

Part 1: My Second Hypno-Crush

I love Lady Lita.
And honestly, I’ve loved her from afar for a VERY long time.
And by love her, what I mean is I have very fond feelings for her work, and my history with her as I don’t know her at all.
She was an important figure in developing the scene, was immensely popular for a good chunk of time, and for some people she was a problematic character.
I’m going to brush over most of that, and instead focus on what she meant to my development.

Know Your fetish

(Not Much) More Than a Feeling

Are you on Twitter? Do you follow the Dommes you like either as people, or as content providers? If so, have you ever seen those tweets about guys who say they want to be a slave but don’t do shit when asked?
How about the tweets about how cumming for someone or having an erection or whatever don’t mean shit?
Do you ever think that’s weird, because clearly our erections are what drive us to spend money on this stuff in the first place?

Well, I’ve been thinking about these sentiments a lot, but maybe not in the way you’re thinking.

Know Your fetish

On Fetish Induced Loneliness

I am utterly alone
I am alone

So, this wasn’t one of the blogs I was planning to write this week, but it being a particularly dark and tiring winter, what better time than to talk about something we never mention:

The Loneliness of Perversion!!!

Know Your fetish

It All Starts With Her

Images gleefully downloaded from her sites and layered together for your enjoyment, not my gain.


It All Starts With Her:
Goddess Marquesa and Erotic Hypnosis

WARNING: Since I’m writing about one person’s considerable contribution to our scene, there’s a danger it’s going to read as shameless-in-the-bag adoration akin to those goddess worship devotionals we all know so well.
That’s not what this is at all, I promise.
There’s low points to her work, stuff that didn’t work, and stuff that was both corny and not worth the money (which is the story with everyone who has ever made anything), BUT this is a documentation of history and not devotion.
This isn’t a 2000 word add, it’s history.

(Also, duh, I mean I’m at least a little in the bag for her, and I’ve never hid that)

Know Your fetish

The Realities of Sex Work (from one degree of separation)

Stop reading this right now if words like Feminism and Sexual Assault bother you. Stop reading this right now if you’re going to get bent out of shape reading about the business dynamics of sex work.

Actually don’t. You’re probably the person that needs this the most.

Know Your fetish

Celebrating Trance

You want to be hypnotized right now
Look into the center… deep into the center

I got hypnotized!

I know it doesn’t seem like something worth “!” about, given that this whole scene is built around the act of being hypnotized, but lets stop and think about this for a second.

How cool is it that this thing we love, are compelled by, and are infatuated with can and does actually happen to us?

Pretty Great Right?

Know Your fetish

Getting Free of the Hands Free Orgasm Myth


Hands free orgasms, or HFOs as they’re commonly referred to, are to our minds the pinnacle of erotic hypnosis right?

I mean come on, what’s better than having someone talk you into a climax? You just listen, they just talk, then boom, you get to cum.

Does that sound like magic to you? Because it sounds like magic to me, and the only thing that makes it not magic is that it’s all 100% real.

Know Your fetish



Welcome to my first ever Mailbag!
This both serious and fun approach to the Q and A is inspired (er… stollen) from one of my non-adult-content inspirations Bill “The Sports Guy” Simmons, so if you’re familiar with him, all of this nonsense will seem very familiar/flagrantly ripped off.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s get to the Questions.

Know Your fetish

Throwback Blog: Your Hypnodomme is not Your Girlfriend

Hey everyone, I wrote this waaaaaay back towards the end of 2014 on my barely used and well intentioned blog (that you never have to go to again because I don’t use it).

One could argue that this piece was my very first attempt at a Behind the Curtain article, and it stirred up a minor spat or two on Inraptured (but what doesn’t) because I threw it out there without any sort of context.

Well, I’ve provided plenty of context for this section of my blog is about, and how it is here to offer a harder look and context at the business of our scene, so that said, let’s all enjoy some time travel and remember:

Your Hypnodomme is Not Your Girlfriend

(Some content bolded/italicized for emphasis, like a school text book)

This might cut close to home.

The woman you are buying your hypno-porn from is not now, nor will she ever be your girlfriend.

What’s worse than that, she’s only nice to you because that’s part of customer service.